consolidation service for mining payouts

This service portal helps to consolidate multiple per-block mining payouts into a single one.

Incoming transactions (UTXO) to a provided dedicated address will be combined and forwarded
to your wallet as a single payment triggered by number of incoming TX'es or received amount.

Service can be also used to convert Coinbase generated transactions (like Solo-mining or p2pool)
to a regular transaction which can be accepted by an absolutely any Wallet or Online Exchange.
Payouts are also possible directly to Hardware wallets like Ledger or Trezor (high threshold limits
should be used, contact support for custom thresholds if something special required).

Here is a sample of combined transaction.

No service fee for all incoming transactions from or pools.
Service fee is 1% for all other incoming transactions, it will be deducted per-TX on each payout.

This is an anonymous service, no registration required, no email, password or any private info.


Let's start! »

  • 2,888Addresses issued
  • 15,493,445Incoming TXs received
  • 8,387Incoming TXs pending
  • 15,485,058Incoming TXs combined
  • 113,961Combined TXs sent
  • 49,571,641DGB amount received
  • 9,092DGB amount pending
  • 49,562,549DGB amount sent

You are responsible for providing valid address! If invalid address specified - you will lost your coins!

Qty 50 min, qty 5000 max

100 DGB min, 100000 DGB max

Payout will be triggered on the first match condition based on what happens earlier.
You will be able to adjust threshold limits any time later using Manage tab.

101+ confirmations of incoming transactions are required for security reasons to process payout.

Payouts are batched and processed several times a day.

Please enter your management hash string to see and adjust current settings

Please enter your consolidation or wallet address

This service is provided for our miners to help manage their payouts in a better way.

All Our pools are running since 2017 and has already mined more than 230000 blocks.

Dedicated servers are Located all over the World in the largest data centers with 10G uplinks.

Consolidated payouts are batched and processed several times a day.

Very rare unexpected delays are possible but all issues will be resolved ASAP.
Consolidation service hardware is located in a highly-secure place with a restricted physical access
and not on the same servers with a mining pools for security reasons and keeping coins
in the most safe environment. In case of issues - it will take some time to get into and resolve it.

Provided consolidation address will become inactive with no incoming transactions during 60 days period.
To keep address working you must to have at least one incoming transaction within 60 days duration period
since registration or any further 60 days since last incoming payment received.

After that inactivity period ended, current consolidated balance will be paid out to your wallet address.
Since that moment consolidation address will become permanently Frozen and can not be used anymore.
Current status is shown at Manage or Statistics pages.

All further incoming payments to a Frozen address will be never forwarded and considered as donations,
no reimbursement possible under any circumstances, no any exceptions.

Automatic conversion DGB to BTC is disabled and will be available some time later.

Telegram notification channel is @sha256io ,
English language group is @sha256ioEN , Russian language group is @sha256ioRU
Discord is also available